Adrift Upon Deepening Memories

The ocean once seemed to me a place of fleeting human encounters. Like the tidal ebb and flow, I have gone out to meet the sea, only to be inevitably drawn back again: It's to be expected am only human.
Recently I have had a reframing of thought: the ocean and I were connected long before my childhood. It bore witness to my ancestors’ crossings in waka and ocean liner. Though I have swum its waters since infancy, and brought my own children to splash the shallows, my memory of the ocean is a poor reflection. But it has cradled my body, filled my nostrils, heard my beating heart, it does not forget me.
The ocean is a living source of memory; within its tides and eddies, the sand and sediment of its vast floor, is the evidence of the birth of the world, a microbial memory of Earth’s childhood.
Hand-painted papers carefully layered on a cradled wooden panel form this colourful scene.
Ready to hang
Framing available upon request.
22.5 x 30.4 cm